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1st Birthday

1st Birthday (1 year)

What better way to celebrate this milestone event than have a special 1st Birthday photoshoot! This extra special shoot can involve anything from balloons, a special birthday outfit or even a ‘cake smash’! Capture your little ones surprise, curiosity and delight as they tear into a icing covered birthday cake with their hands!

HOW SOON SHOULD I BOOK MY SESSION? As soon as possible. I tend to book up at least 3 weeks in advance so call right away to ensure you get your desired birthday date.

:WHAT IS A ‘CAKE SMASH’? A cake smash is when you place a cake in front of little one (preferably with lots of soft icing, a large cupcake is ideal) and let them go for it, be prepared for fun, great shots and mess!
DO I COME TO YOUR STUDIO? My clients love that I come to you! I will bring my mini studio to your home including lights and backdrops and set up in a suitable space. I’m based near Reading, Berkshire and travel to many areas including Hampshire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Surrey.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT AT MY SESSION? Expect to have a relaxed FUN time! I approach each session differently in order to capture genuine expressions from your children. I interact with your children and get to know them so they feel at ease and comfortable during the session.
HOW CAN I PREPARE FOR MY SESSION? I ask that you put forth your best effort to make sure your little one are prepared on the day of the session. I realise that children often have a mind of their own, but scheduling the session around naps and meal times is suggested, usually morning is best.
WHAT SHOLD WE WEAR? I will suggest clothing that works well for you and your family when you book your session, keep an eye on the blog as I like to post clothing ideas when I see something I love!
HOW LONG WILL MY SESSION  LAST? Sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the needs of the child. It is highly recommended that only those who are to be photographed be present during your session. Too many people can distract children.
If you have any more questions or would like to book please use the contact button above







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